If you’re not running a daily scrum, you’re losing out

Scrum is a great way of making sure teams are focused, problems are swiftly resolved and production can be realistically measured.
The idea of your production team and client co-working at a central location or perhaps inviting your client to join the daily scrum is the ideal scenario – unfortunately for most of us, this isn’t always possible.
So how do you keep your production team and client-focused if you can’t co-work or meet every day?
For the past year, we’ve steadily invited more clients to join us for a daily video scrum, and they’ve proven to be a big hit.

With clients based in London, Hong Kong and Detroit, introducing a daily video scrum to the project cycle has meant we’re able to guide clients through our thoughts, sketches and prototypes via screen share. It also lets us chat face-to-face and share problems, keep everyone (most importantly our clients) involved and focused on the project at hand.
The more people communicate the more likely the project is going to be a success for both production quality and client satisfaction.
If it’s applicable and you have the opportunity to involve your clients in a daily scrum (via video), then it’s a time-efficient way of ensuring a smooth delivery as you progress through the Alpha/Beta phases of your project.

How we run our daily video scrum with clients
- We use Google Hangouts or Skype
- We restrict it to 5 mins
- In the scrum we keep discussion limited to:
- What was achieved yesterday
- Any potential blockers ahead
- What we aim to do today