Finding the key to creativity

Having a creative attitude in your team, whatever your industry, is key to overcoming problems and pushing ideas forward. However, there is often an assumption that creativity spawns from a single creative mind.
Of course, you may have a creative resource within your team, and they are probably very good at coming up with inventive ideas and solutions. But what if creativity comes not from a single ‘creative’ individual but instead from the people around them?
Creativity is not simply about having good taste; it’s about creating something different and more pertinently, creating something meaningful. The aim of this post is to show some key points of our creative process and vision, demonstrating how an outstanding design doesn’t just rely on a clever idea, but on teamwork.
Designers Not Artists
Unlike artists, designers don’t create merely because they have something to say to the world. Instead, their creativity is driven by their clients’ objectives and the needs of the users.
We use a user-centric approach and an Agile Method for all our processes from the start to the finish. This means that both users and clients are consulted throughout the creative design process. It’s critical to understand who you are designing for and to understand what their needs are. For example: what kind of media channel or platforms are the clients and users familiar with? From this information, we work out how to design a unique and bespoke solution. Creativity is not only about expressing yourself, but also about creating something for somebody else.
However, the consultation process doesn’t stop here. At the first stages of every project, it’s important to meet with your marketing and sales teams, they can help you to understand the brief and scope all the requirements and most importantly, come to the table from a different angle. As designers it is our job to ask these questions, gather the answers and collate them into producing a great design.
A Creative Mind Is A Team Player
I have always found that being part of a team is the most powerful design tool at my disposal. Ideas come easy, but making them a reality is often hard. Yet when talented minds come together to connect, critique and learn from each other, they almost always create something greater than the sum of the parts. It doesn’t matter what experience, expertise or kind of mind each member of the team has, the true value is that they can look at a project from different perspectives.
We find inspiration from the world and the people we live with and great ideas are found when we share. If your team values your work and you value the opinion of your team, the ability to share and take on board new ideas is a powerful force.