Browser London lands first reviews on Clutch

Since 2008, Browser London has built a reputation for delivering high-quality, UX focused mobile applications, web apps, and digital service platforms. During that time, our London-based team of specialist developers has worked with a varied range of organizations; from governments to ambitious startups and mid-sized international businesses. Consequently, we’re proud to announce that, thanks to our hard work, we’ve received our first reviews on Clutch, a leading B2B ratings and reviews platform.
Our team is excited to be featured on Clutch. Using an exhaustive catalogue of verified user feedback, their team ranks and evaluates companies to build trust for prospective B2B buyers.
Thanks to our close attention to detail, cutting-edge development skills, and satisfied clients, we’re proud to hold a fantastic 4.9/5.0 overall rating on the platform, based on reviews from six clients.

Our first review on Clutch was for a project in which we provided development and UX design for a branding and creative agency. Our high-quality deliverables impressed stakeholders and we were applauded for our effective project management.
“They’re a knowledgeable team. Using their modern, forward-thinking outlook, they delivered a beautiful product. They’re experienced and dedicated, allowing them to ensure that the project is spot-on. There isn’t much turnover, and everyone has a high-level of expertise across all technical projects.”
Samuel Fresco, Strategy Director, Wildish & Co
In another review, this time for a project we worked on for a Risk Consultancy, the client had more kind words for us:
“Browser London is a very good partner and has grown with us over these last few years. They understand both our problems and our users’ problems extremely well. Their company size allows for a lot of one-on-one interaction. We’re very happy in comparison to experiences with other service providers.”
Head of Product, Risk Consultancy Organization
Our team is also featured on The Manifest, a B2B blog that connects businesses and clients through research, how-to guides, and unique insights. The Manifest is an invaluable resource for prospective buyers to find service providers.
If you are looking for a partner to work on your latest project, feel free to contact us today. You can also view further case studies and a full description of our service elsewhere on the website.